When people think environmentally sustainable, motor vehicles do not feature high on the list. Like any company, vehicle dealerships and dealer networks need to figure out their environmental footprint and develop a plan to reduce their emissions. Selling and servicing vehicles while including environmental improvement is achievable. Vehicles are major greenhouse gas emitters, therefore, there is a need for vehicle dealerships to participate in developing and executing a reduction plan. This additionally presents a significant business opportunity and point of difference between early adopters and last movers.

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Because of the large footprint and service nature of car dealerships, they consume on average 20% more energy than a regular office. This might not seem as much of a difference until we take into account there are around 3000 new vehicle dealerships and 2000 used car dealerships in Australia.

The commercial requirement to environmental change is fast approaching. The prudent path is to develop the plan in a controlled and thoughtful manner on your terms. 

Not everything is in your control but reducing energy and water consumption, effective recycling, implementing other environmental initiatives are. The most significant emission reductions that are within your control will come from your supply chain and customer chain.  

Decarbonising suppliers and customers is key.

The expectation and requirement for companies to provide improved environmental performance is accelerating. Currently, it is voluntary, but the need for government to meet globally agreed carbon reduction goals will force the government to act.

Reducing a dealerships carbon footprint can also reduce costs and offer a marketing point of difference.

Consumers, business, and government buyers are increasingly identifying environmental performance as a purchasing criteria. They will increasingly drive carbon reduction initiatives into their supply chains, including motor vehicles and will favour suppliers that are on a Net Zero Carbon path. This creates a sales opportunity to target these clients.

Carbon Offset Advisory is here to assist you in the transition to industry environmental leader. We understand the issues and obstacles your business faces and take a strategic approach to implementation through progressive steps.

  • Commit, Measure and Act
  • Using environmental performance and leadership as a positive marketing tool to grow business.
  • Strategic implementation to minimise disruption and cost.
  • Decarbonising your supply chain.
  • Empowering you with information that facilitates decision making.

Developing strategies to reduce your carbon footprint will only bring benefits for your business, from cost reductions, sales, and marketing advantages, preparing your business for the future and cementing you as a leading brand.

A knee jerk or unprepared regulatory response is rarely effective.

Carbon Offset Advisory builds achievable commercialisation strategies that will lead you to NET ZERO CARBON.

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Motor Vehicle Sales


When people think environmentally sustainable, motor vehicles do not feature high on the list. Like any company, vehicle dealerships and dealer networks need to figure out their environmental footprint and develop a plan to reduce their emissions. Selling and servicing vehicles while including environmental improvement is achievable. Vehicles are major greenhouse gas emitters, therefore, there is a need for vehicle dealerships to participate in developing and executing a reduction plan. This additionally presents a significant business opportunity and point of difference between early adopters and last movers.

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Because of the large footprint and service nature of car dealerships, they consume on average 20% more energy than a regular office. This might not seem as much of a difference until we take into account there are around 3000 new vehicle dealerships and 2000 used car dealerships in Australia.

The commercial requirement to environmental change is fast approaching. The prudent path is to develop the plan in a controlled and thoughtful manner on your terms. 

Not everything is in your control but reducing energy and water consumption, effective recycling, implementing other environmental initiatives are. The most significant emission reductions that are within your control will come from your supply chain and customer chain.  

Decarbonising suppliers and customers is key.

The expectation and requirement for companies to provide improved environmental performance is accelerating. Currently, it is voluntary, but the need for government to meet globally agreed carbon reduction goals will force the government to act.

Reducing a dealerships carbon footprint can also reduce costs and offer a marketing point of difference.

Consumers, business, and government buyers are increasingly identifying environmental performance as a purchasing criteria. They will increasingly drive carbon reduction initiatives into their supply chains, including motor vehicles and will favour suppliers that are on a Net Zero Carbon path. This creates a sales opportunity to target these clients.

Carbon Offset Advisory is here to assist you in the transition to industry environmental leader. We understand the issues and obstacles your business faces and take a strategic approach to implementation through progressive steps.

  • Commit, Measure and Act
  • Using environmental performance and leadership as a positive marketing tool to grow business.
  • Strategic implementation to minimise disruption and cost.
  • Decarbonising your supply chain.
  • Empowering you with information that facilitates decision making.

Developing strategies to reduce your carbon footprint will only bring benefits for your business, from cost reductions, sales, and marketing advantages, preparing your business for the future and cementing you as a leading brand.

A knee jerk or unprepared regulatory response is rarely effective.

Carbon Offset Advisory builds achievable commercialisation strategies that will lead you to NET ZERO CARBON.

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Motor Vehicle Sales

Increasing numbers of corporate and holidaymakers want to travel sustainably, and prefer environmentally aware providers when booking accommodation, events, and venues.  The expectations of consumers have changed, and for the hotel industry, adapting to these changes is not only smart business but a strategic imperative.

Tourism is one sector with the biggest potential in the world. In Australia, the hotel and resort sector generates around $8 billion of revenue yearly. With this comes a large carbon emissions footprint, that needs to be acknowledged, measured and a strategy developed to reduce it.  It is necessary to provide transparent information and a plan to the consumers who are also on the journey to carbon neutrality.

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Currently, the hotel and resort industry faces the challenge of sustainability. How can we reduce our carbon footprint? Carbon Offset Advisory can help you understand the issues, the process and guide you through a strategic approach to improvement in environmental performance using progressive steps.

You need a plan to reduce resource consumption, improve efficiency, manage waste, control pollutants, use sustainable products, recycle and transition to carbon neutral suppliers.

To achieve this, we focus on several key areas:

  • Commit, Measure and Act
  • Empowering you with information that facilitates decision making.
  • Decarbonise your supply chain.
  • Using environmental performance and industry leadership as a positive marketing tool to grow business.
  • Strategic implementation to minimise disruption and cost.

Carbon Offset Advisory develops achievable plans and strategies that will lead you to NET ZERO CARBON with minimal cost and disruption.

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