Project Details

Project Type

Where they are

Portfolio Year

Wind Power

Wind Power

Roger Mills and Beckham Counties, Oklahoma


132 MW capacity

About the Project

Power generation

The Big Smile Wind Farm at Dempsey Ridge will deliver enough clean energy to power more than 46,000 U.S. homes.

Economic development

The Big Smile Wind Farm at Dempsey Ridge will create 13 new full-time local jobs and more than 130 people were employed during the construction phase. Additionally, the wind farm will provide increased revenues for Roger Mills and Beckham counties through investments in local infrastructure, lease agreements with local landowners and property tax revenues from the project over its lifetime.

Community and environmental sustainability

During the project development phase, ACCIONA participated in an extensive county permitting and review process. The company also conducted biological assessments, bird and bat impact studies, and wetland delineation to address wildlife concerns. Public meetings allowed local communities the opportunity to review the wind farm maps and pose questions regarding the results of environmental impact studies. Following these meetings, ACCIONA secured the permits required to begin construction.